Beauty From Ashes Videos


Thursday, July 28, 2011

August Prayer Alert for Beauty From Ashes™

Greetings Prayer Partners,

Thank you for your faithful and consistent prayers for Beauty From Ashes™ (BFA) Ministries.  The prayers of the righteous availeth much and your prayers continue to make up the foundation of this agency and are making a difference.  Below are August's prayer requests.  

CLIENTS:  Please pray for our local and national client's mental, physical and spiritual healing, that they have sound minds, and the courage to commit to the long term healing journey.  May they receive a revelation of God's love for them and who they are in Christ.  "He sent His word and healed them." Psalm 107:20

OUTREACHES:  Thank God for the favor we have with sex business management and employees.  Pray that the Father's love will be evident in and through the team as they operate in unity and one accord.  
May those we reach receive the revelation of who God is, how much He loves them, and embrace the truth that will set them free to be everything they were destined to be.  
Agree with us that outreach team members would continue to multiply as our territory expands according to God's will.  

LONG TERM RESIDENTIAL HOME & ASSESSMENT/RESOURCE CENTER:  Please agree with us for God's perfect will and provision of funding for a professionally run, long term, integrated and comprehensive, residential safe home and an assessment/resource center for victims of commercialized sexual exploitation and human sex trafficking.  We have been offered an amazing opportunity, however, we believe strongly that in order to commit to it, we need the finances and pledges to run the program with a standard of professional excellence versus a skeletal, untrained, and unexperienced volunteer staff.  Pray that God would send in the resources and qualified staff from the North, South, East, and West. Thank Him with us that in His perfect timing this vision will come to pass.  

FUND RAISING:  Pray that God would raise up a Business Manager and fund raising committee, with a heart for those we serve, to take the lead in fund raising.  Agree with us for more businesses, agencies, churches, ministries, and individuals to initiate creative fund raising for BFA. 

FREEdom™ HOMES BEST PRACTICES PROJECT:  Pray that God would continue to unite multiple governmental and non governmental agencies to work collaboratively in the development of the Best Practices for residential homes for sex trafficking victims.  (Currently there is none).  Pray for a spirit of unity and harmony and that these agencies will work together in the best interest of victims.  

PARTNERSHIPS:  Praise God with us for raising up a Florida legal firm and attorney that has taken the lead in serving BFA in all capacities!  We are honored to be represented by the same attorney that represented Terri Schiavo, attorney David Gibbs III and his associates.  Pray that God would continue to align us with the professional, governmental, private, corporate and faith based partnerships that are of His perfect will and nothing less.  

VOLUNTEERS:  Pray for strength, encouragement and perseverance for current volunteers and that God would raise up more called, anointed, and committed servants.  

BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ADVISORS:  Pray for protection, wisdom, encouragement, and divine direction for BFA.  May all directors and advisors contribute their gifts and talents collaboratively as they operate in one accord.  

STAFF:  Pray for Mary Lewis, our new Executive Director, as she learns the operations of BFA and interacts with clients.  May they come to trust her as much as they do our founder and human trafficking overcomer, Julie Shematz.   Agree with us  that Julie will rest on her first vacation in 11 years and begin her second year of full time graduate school fully refreshed and renewed. 

EVENTS:  Wisdom and discernment to know what and/or who BFA is to be involved with or not.  Pray that God will raise up a BFA Event Coordinator.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT:  Please pray for the completion of the project and for the funding for the DVD production and marketing of campaign.

OTHER LIKE MINISTRIES/AGENCIES:  Pray for unity amongst one another and humbleness, wisdom, and patience in reaching, rescuing and restoring victims.  May the level of professionalism be raised and licensed counselors and professional service providers unite with them to provide restoration services and program development.  Pray for balance, biblical priorities, and protection of marriages and families.  May strong boundaries be established and maintained for aftercare providers.  May God's strength and encouragement be imparted to all in the name of Jesus.  


Thank you for standing with us in prayer, for the establishment of God's perfect will for His ministry, Beauty From Ashes™.  

"If you believe, all things are possible to him who believes."  Mark 9:29  NKJV

Nancy Sampson & Sandi Spencer
Prayer Coordinators
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries  
Where Victims Become Over-Comers

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