Beauty From Ashes Videos


Saturday, April 30, 2011

May Prayer Alert for Beauty From Ashes Ministries

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Thank you for your commitment to pray for Beauty From Ashes (BFA) Ministries and those hurt by the sexualized culture.  We know that it is ONLY by your prayers that God has protected us and we have seen many victories. In May, we would ask you to lift up the following items:

CLIENTS:  Thank God for open doors of employment and that more will open as they leave the sex for sale business.  Pray for healing, sound minds, strength, and encouragement that their past does not define who they are or their future.  May they have a revelation of who God is, how much He loves them and embrace the truth that will set them free to be everything they were destined to be.  Pray they learn to discipline themselves and make decisions in them and their family's best interest.  

LOCAL RESIDENTIAL SHELTER/HOME:  Funding is needed to acquire property offered to BFA for a 4-6 bedroom, already zoned as group home, for $2800 a month plus funding for staff to run.  May God's perfect will be done.  

MENTORS:  May God would raise up mature women to embrace and mentor survivors locally and nationally.

OUTREACHES:  Pray that outreach team members multiply as our territory continues to expand according to God's will.  May donations of bibles and Mother's Day gift items be provided.  Thank God for the favor we have with club management and employees.  May the Father's love be evident in and through the team as they operate in unity.
VOLUNTEERS:  Pray for strength, encouragement and perseverance for current volunteers and that God would raise up more called, anointed, and committed servants.   

FUNDING:  Funding in the amount of $45,000 a year is needed for a full time Executive Director.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT:  We seek God's perfect will to be done down to every detail.  We also need funding for DVD production and marketing of project.

GRANTS & FOUNDATIONS:  Pray that our current partnerships for grants would result in operational, program, and project funding.  May God impart the wisdom to know which ones to apply for and what agencies to partner with.

PARTNERSHIPS:  Pray that churches would add BFA to their list of home missions support and begin to support with time, talent and resources.  May community partnerships would continue to increase.  Also pray for protection and strengthening of existing networking.  

EVENTS:  Wisdom and discernment to know what and/or who BFA is to be involved with or not.  Pray for a BFA Event Coordinator.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS:  Pray for protection, wisdom, encouragement, and direction for BFA.  May they operate in one accord and increase as God wills.  

JULIE SHEMATZ:  Pray that she maintain balance and priorities as she enters into her 2nd year of graduate school and begins advanced practicum as a mental health counselor. 

OTHER LIKE MINISTRIES/AGENCIES:  Pray for unity amongst one another and humbleness, wisdom, and patience in reaching, rescuing and restoring victims.  May the level of professionalism be raised and licensed counselors and professional service providers unite with them to provide restoration services and program development.  Pray for balance, biblical priorities, and protection of marriages and families.  May strong boundaries be established and maintained for aftercare providers.  May God's strength and encouragement be imparted to all in the name of Jesus.  

"Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him." Colossians 3:10 NLT

Thank you for your fervent prayers about these matters during the month of May. If there is anything that we as a staff can pray for you, please submit your prayer requests via our website.  We consider you a part of our family and are blessed to know you.

BFA PRAYER TEAM:  To sign up, send your name, city and state to


Nancy Sampson 
Prayer Coordinator 
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries  
Where Victims Become Over-Comers

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