Beauty From Ashes Videos


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Attendee of 4th Annual National Training Breaks It Down


My trip to Ft Meyers has been an eye awakening experience…..

Not only did I see the urgent request on the church to help Gods people, but I realized how we in Destin have been living in a bubble.

Lets POP it! For we are a spoiled generation who fill up on The Spirit plenty to not be spreading the GOSPEL!

Word of Life Church, Ft Meyers, is a church with an amazing facility called the New Life Dream Center. In their Life Center they have a full time staff of volunteers, and some paid. The church is more biblical than any church I have been to. Not to say our church isn’t, because I believe we have a body that is lovers of Jesus, and Pastors that are living truly in The spirit. But we lack a faithful body. Who really can I say are living by The Spirit? Not many that I can say. Most of us are too concerned with our own lives, not others...

Me being a new sacrificed lover of The Lord, sees a lazy, half-committed body. A body that has full authority and not using it. A body that has been raised up in the church, but chooses rebellion, thinking no one notices.

I know God has appointed me, and I wonder why, since I lived in rebellion for many years. But I have also made choice to commit my life to Jesus and His will. Focusing on only HIM and fleeing from all distractions..This is a daily fight!

One thing I pray for is to have more of God’s chosen kids to step up and choose Him. Step up and fully live by the Spirit submitting to authority.

We are in need…Our own children in Destin are involved in sex-trafficking being unnoticed. Sex is overlooked in our society because we are driven by it and live by its authority over us. We may be completely ignoring, or livong in sin..Either way, the cure os to de-junk, release the sin in confession, and facing it with Jesus as your rear guard!!!!

We have struggling Christians stuck in sin because of the denial of the Spiritual Realm.

For the Christians avoiding the Spiritual realm, I am sorry for them.

Life gets better when you realize that ALL of your attacks can be defeated by you and your authority if you were to just start acknowledging Satan’s scheme and His dominion here on earth.

He calls on spirits to be released up to earth, only to take over more of us.. The more of us messing up Gods work, the better. This is his master plan. To completely seduce our culture not just sexually, but in any sin. Making us focus only on ourselves delaying Gods work to be accomplished.

Its time to FIGHT back. We are Gods children who hold a hope that is tucked inside of us, not being able to use it, because we choose to hide sin. Right where the enemy wants us. Get it out.
I tell you the truth, it was not easy admitting I was sexually abused to others, or even to admit I lived in a promiscuous life style, and danced in strip club in my past. But what freedom, and what work I can now do. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God.

Remember, no sin is too shameful for the Lord to wipe clean. Shame will hold you in bondage, and keep you from fulfilling Gods work!

Maureen Walker
Beauty Within Ministry
Destin, FL

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