Word of Life Church has consistently been taking the FOOD MOBILE into some of the poorest areas of Fort Myers for years on a weekly basis handing out food, toiletries, furniture and clothing. Literally hundreds of people’s lives have been changed through this effective outreach strategy, not to mention communities transformed. Beauty From Ashes will now be joining them on Wednesdays from 9am - noon and began last week. 9 individuals gave their hearts to Christ and relationships have begun to be established in hopes to offer them a way out of destructive lifestyles and identify human slavery situations.
Beginning Saturday, October 3rd, Word of Life Church & Beauty From Ashes will begin reaching out to the community East of Lee Memorial Hospital (Broadway/Maple to Canal & surrounding blocks), recognized as a highly concentrated area for prostitution & illegal drug activities. We are literally ADOPTING THE BLOCK & offering our help to those in the community by mowing lawns, painting over graffiti, picking up trash, organizing games with children, face painting & temporary tattoos and visiting the elderly, in addition to handing out food, clothes & toiletry items.
In addition to these STREET OUTREACHES, we are just as excited to announce we have scheduled STRIP CLUB OUTREACHES 2 times a month through February 2010 for a total of 41 local outreaches to victims of commercialized sexual exploitation & trafficking! We'll be serving meals and giving away gift bags to the employees of the local clubs.
~ Food, food, food & more food, in addition to toiletries and clothing. Canned good & non-perishable items, toiletry, clothing items & furniture can be dropped off at Word of Life Church, 2150 Collier Avenue, Fort Myers, FL M-F 10am - 5pm.
~ Prepare food dishes for strip club outreaches. Please contact me.
~ Bibles; English & Spanish are needed, as well as, journals, jewelry & small gift items for women. Contact me.
~ Distribute flyers the week before the ADOPT A BLOCK event begins. Please contact Pastor Rob Jones at 239.274.8881 x250
~ Setting up and tearing down street outreaches. Contact Pastor Rob Jones at 239.274.8881 x250
~ Serving at the street outreach events. Contact Pastor Rob Jones at 239.274.8881 x250
~ Pray for divine appointments, favor, that stony hearts be made flesh, captives be set free and that many names be added to the Lamb’s book of life.
theCALL2XXX NEW YORK: Sept 25-27 (this weekend) is the east coast's largest porn expo & we need you to commit to praying for this event. Please answer this global mobilization of intercessors and sign up today. Everything you need to know & to promote this event is on our website: http://www.beautyfromahses.org
Interested in Pastor Julie sharing her story of how she was able to get out of sex trafficking & commercialized sexual exploitation? Desire to educate & train your church, college, university or organization how to effectively REACH, RESCUE & RESTORE victims of commercialized sexual exploitation & trafficking? Contact us by calling 239.939.9218 or email.
Do you have an testimony of becoming an over-comer of sex trafficking, commercialized sexual exploitation or porn? We'd like to hear from you! Please submit your condensed testimony of less than 500 words and/or a teaching, revelation or writing you have on how you became an over-comer to julie@beautyfromashes.org.
Need prayer? Email us at prayer@beautyfromashes.org
Sex Trafficking Fact Sheet
View FREEdom™ Children's Homes 4 America's Prostituted Children Video: CLICK HERE
Please continue to lift up those in our sphere of influence and agree with us that they receive a revelation of Who God is and who they are in Christ. May their hearts be softened by His love that will result in radical obedience as disciples of Christ fulfilling their destinies as children of God, establishing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Your financial support enables us to EDUCATE the community, ADVOCATE for the victims, implement REACH, RESCUE & RESTORE programs and provide FREEdom™ Safe HOMES & Shelters. Please consider becoming a monthly FREEdom™ Partner with us. To make secure online tax deductible donations: CLICK HERE. Mail cash, money orders or checks made out to Beauty From Ashes Ministries to: 5100 S. Cleveland Ave., Ste. 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907 & THANK YOU.
In His love & passion to see victims become over-comers,
Steve & Pastor Julie Shematz
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