BFA FEATURED ON FRONT PAGE OF UNITED NATIONS ANTI-TRAFFICKING WEBSITE: One year ago September 15th, Beauty From Ashes (BFA) collaborated with multiple agencies across the United States to rescue a domestic teenage victim of sex trafficking. Hear Women Talk Radio host and human trafficking expert, Dottie Laster, not only led in coordination efforts, she assembled the team a year later for her radio show, TRAFFICKED. BFA Founder, Julie Shematz's, interview opens the 60 minute program that finished with hearing from the teenager that was rescued. One word summarizes the mission: TEAMWORK. CLICK HERE to get the details of how it happened, what all was involved, and an update on the survivor's progress.
BFA IS YOUR NEWS SOURCE FOR NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING NEWS & TRAININGS: Whether it's webinars on How Human Trafficking is Connected to Gangs by Dr. Laura Lederer of Stop Sex Slavery, the Department of Health and Human Resources Reach and Rescue, or the Salvation Army's Understanding the Sexual Exploitation of America's Children, BFA is your news source for Awareness, Prevention, Intervention, and Restoration. See our home page, follow us on Twitter and 'Like" our facebook fan page. For the latest every day in national human trafficking news and training resources check in with BFA!
STAFF SEARCH: The BFA Personnel Search Committee, in collaboration with one of our partners, is accepting applications for a Clinical Program Director, Business Administrator, Director of Resources, Residential Program Director, and Case Worker positions. Please feel free to encourage individuals with the experience and qualifications to apply. The review of applications will begin October 10th and continue until the positions are filled. Computer/Internet competency and knowledge of human trafficking is required. Please send cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to No phone calls please.
U.S. FEMALE RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM LIST: BFA currently maintains a comprehensive national list of female residential programs for service providers and government agencies. This list is updated every 4 months. A volunteer from the FBI is currently working on it and we expect the next release to be within the next 30 days. Distribution is via email and all recipients are verified by an outside human trafficking consulting agency. In July, the list contained over 90 resources. To receive it, send an email with your name, title, agency and all contact information to
STRIP CLUB OUTREACH REPORT: On Saturday, September 17th, our outREACH team delivered a home cooked Italian meal to our "adopted" strip club here in Fort Myers, FL. The team was met with enthusiasm by employees that even came outside to express their gratitude upon their arrival. We are pleased to announce that one of the women from the club has successfully exited the sex industry, relocated to her home town, and was married to her childhood sweetheart this past month. We have been working with her, at her pace, since 2006. Our next strip club outREACH is Saturday, October 8th.
BREAKING FREE LIFE SKILLS & SUPPORT GROUP: Wednesdays at Barry University 1-3pm. For women who are currently in the sex industry and for those who have been in it. Child care and lunch provided. Registration required. Call 239-939-9218 to register.
OUTREACH GIFT & CARE PACKAGE ASSEMBLY 1st & 2nd FRIDAYS: Every month, BFA distributes between 50-100 outREACH gift and care packages to victims and survivors of human trafficking locally and nationally. On the 1st and 2nd Fridays of the month from 9am-noon we meet to inventory beauty supplies and assemble these gifts of love, hope, and truth. We meet in Room 500-5 of Barry University. Our next meetings are October 7th & 14th. Make plans to join us today! Learning and community service hours available.
UPCOMING AWARENESS/EDUCATION EVENTS: BFA is partnering with the Salvation Army, Girl Scouts, Florida Nurses Association, Student Abolitionist Movement, Florida Gulf Coast University, and local churches. We have events scheduled through July of 2012. Check them out and make plans today to attend. For more info, CLICK HERE
SCHEDULE BFA FOR AN EVENT: BFA provides education, in services, and trainings on human trafficking for social service agencies, universities, churches, groups, businesses, and clubs. To schedule a speaker and for more information, CLICK HERE
BFA SEPTEMBER PRAYER ALERT: Prayer is the foundation of this ministry and we covet yours! Here's how to pray in detail for BFA for the month of September, CLICK HERE.
FRIDAY PRAYER: Join BFA from 8-9am EST each week, locally and globally, for prayer to abolish slavery and for the organizations reaching, rescuing, restoring and advocating for the victims. We welcome you to join us. For more information and prayer guide, CLICK HERE.