STRIP CLUB OUTREACH & TRAFFICKING MINISTRY TRAINING: Fort Lauderdale, FL. BFA will be doing a force multiplier trainer of trainers for those interested in this unique type of outreach & ministry on the South East Coast of Florida. If interested, please email. Application, background check and committee evaluation required. For more information on BFA's national curriculum and training, CLICK HERE
ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY RADIO INTERVIEW with GUEST JULIE SHEMATZ: BFA's founder shares her testimony of beauty from ashes and healing journey, what's involved in getting out of your comfort zone to reach the lost, gives advice on how to start such a ministry, addresses the national crisis of domestic sex trafficking in all our backyards, the complexities of working with survivors and transparently shares the mistakes she has learned from. You can listen to the entire entire interview here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/anythingbutordinary/2010/06/30/anything-but-ordinary-radio--shematz-rodriguez
PLEASE PRAY WITH BFA: Agree with us that those we have influenced will receive revelation of who God is, His love for them and who they are in Christ. May their faith increase, they be strengthened, doors of opportunity be opened and that they walk in the fullness of all God planned for them.
theCALL2XXX: Join us for weekly global prayer to abolish slavery and for the organizations reaching, rescuing, restoring and advocating for the victims. Fridays 8-9am EST. For more information and prayer guide: CLICK HERE
PRAYER REQUESTS: We care for you and have a team that prays over your every need. Please send them to prayer@beautyfromashes.org
BFA CURRENT NEEDS: You too can be a slavery abolitionist. Get involved! For more information: CLICK HERE
DONATIONS: We need your help to continue providing awareness, advocacy and reach, rescue and restoration services to victims of commercialized sexual exploitation (CSE). Please consider giving a tax deductible gift today. For $35 or more we will send you our Child of God CD. For secure online donations, CLICK HERE or mail your check, cash or money order to Beauty From Ashes, 5100 S. Cleveland Ave., Ste, 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
Thanks for your encouragement and support. Together we are making a difference!
Julie Shematz & the BFA FREEdom™ Team
Founder & CEO
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries
Where Victims Become Over-Comers
877.4BFA SOS (423.2767) International Toll Free Help Line