Finding Beauty for Ashes and gaining a mentor like Julie meant the difference between walking in the fullness of God's plan for my life or going back to the shadows I had grown accustomed to. In the team of Beauty From Ashes, I finally have a family who know me as Sarah* and make me feel like I really can do all things through Christ; love truly is redeeming my life. Through BFA's support, I am truly seeing God's word come alive because He has a plan and has given me hope and a future so much greater than my past.
The vision that God has given Beauty From Ashes for the FREEdom™ Children's Home is vital to rescuing children trapped in darkness like I was and restoring what the evil of the world has stripped them of: dignity and worth and a sense of feeling like you belong somewhere. One of the deepest cries of my heart since being prostituted at the age of 6 was for a safe home and to have a family. Safety and placing the orphan in a family is the heart and intention of our Father God, and FREEdom™ Children's Homes need to be a reality and soon. - Sarah*
Currently, the United States of America provides federal funding only for illegal immigrants of human trafficking; millions of dollars has gone to a 'victim assistance' organizations that have no residential housing in addition to only supporting short term (30 - 90 days) assistance.
It is estimated that a minor female sex trafficking victim is raped for profit 8-30 times a day & the average age of a prostituted person in the USA is 12-14. They need long term residential & restoration assistance. It is estimated that 300,000 minors a year are being forced into prostitution right here in the land of the 'Free'. 90% of runaways & throwaways will be lured into prostitution within 48 hours & 100% in 3 days. We have a national crisis on our hands. These are our citizens & our orphans.
We are on the front lines working, with individuals like Dr. Laura Lederer & the Triple S (Stop Sex Slavery) Network in Washington, to change this discombobulated funding stream. However, until the funding is worked out to provide assistance to the organizations that are actually reaching, rescuing & restoring the victims of human trafficking, private donor's support are crucial to doing something about our national problem. It's our problem, they are our residents, our children & they are victims of rape for profit in every neighborhood in the land of the 'Free', which the national report on domestic minor sex trafficking revealed in July of this year.
To view the Healing Today Show television interview sharing my testimony, the problem of human trafficking in our back yards & the vision of the FREEdom™ Children's Home, click HERE. (What I consider to be the most thorough & my best interview ever :+)
Currently, Beauty From Ashes, in partnership with the New Life Dream Center, are providing restoration care to 45 women, three teens (one pregnant...who we found out today that DCF has offered a full ride, 4 year college scholarship to, due to her outstanding progress with us! She wants to be an ICE agent & rescue other minors & women from human trafficking!) & 3 children in addition to over 80 men who were once johns, pimps &/or sex addicts. Local & federal law enforcement as well as other sex industry/anti-trafficking organizations from across the nation have placed women in our safe home. It's estimated that nearly half the females receiving love, care, education, life skills & basic needs are human trafficking victims, yet we've not received any federal allocated funds for victim assistance. Less than 5% of the residents have a means of support for their recovery & it costs an enormous amount of money to clothe, feed, house, counsel & provide basic services to these people.
Beauty From Ashes is providing case management services to these victims including tutoring, private & home schooling curriculums, medical & probation appointments, etc., in addition to weekly intervention initiatives to reach & rescue people bound in sex slavery.
We also plan on providing Christmas gifts to all the female residents due to the fact many of them have no family support. We have become their family. Additionally, we will be providing gifts and a holiday meal to the employees of the local strip club we have adopted & served for over 6 years.
Will you help us continue to reach, rescue, restore & advocate for the rights of children, men & women like Sarah* & the others? We need your help financially.
As a show of appreciation for your giving, for a minimum donation of $30, we will give you our 1st private label CD, Child of God produced by Music for the Soul. It is a compilation of inspirational songs that lead you through the journey of what a victim of sex trafficking faces to find the reality of hope, healing & restoration through Jesus Christ. It is guaranteed to move you deeply and inspire you into a deeper, loving relationship with your Creator.
Please join with us today to abolish slavery in the United States of America & assist us in setting the captives free to be all that God destined and purposed them to be. Together we are better & can make a difference!
You can give securely online by clicking HERE or send cash, check or money order to Beauty From Ashes to 5100 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
Thank you, may the Lord richly bless you as you give & Happy Thanksgiving from Steve, myself and the FREEdom™ Team!
*Name changed for confidentiality.
In His passion & love to see victims become over-comers,
Pastor Julie Shematz
Over-Comer, Founder & CEO