The tentacles of pornography have poisoned our society and declared war on morality. Jobs, marriages, reputations and personal lives have all been ruined for the sake of a greedy, heartless industry.
Now the latest stats show a growing audience and links to violence at ever younger ages:
~ 800 million porn videos are rented in the U.S. every year
~ Sixty-six percent of men ages 18 to 34 peruse at least one of the 40,000+ porn Web sites every month.
~ Twenty-nine out of thirty juvenile sex offenders have viewed x-rated materials
~ Ninety percent of porn is violent, fueling violent sexual crimes
It’s a seven billion dollar business that feeds the brain and corrupts the soul. There is nothing harmless about the content. The Internet provides easy accessibility attracting first-time curious onlookers at the average age of nine. Boys tend to be more likely to gravitate toward the x-rated stuff than girls, but studies have shown a growing tendency for both. In a research study done by Pamela Paul, From Pornography to Porno to Porn: How Porn Became the Norm, is an example of an eleven-year old girl who was building a porn web site. Her friends thought it was cool, so she went along with it. For too many children, pornography is their first education about sex, leading to unrealistic expectations and unhealthy relationships. Innocence lost.
Paul has interviewed many addicts for her book Pornified and has come to this conclusion: "Pornography's effects rippled out, touching all aspects of their existence," Paul said. "Their work days became interrupted, their hobbies were tossed aside, their family lives were disrupted. Some men even lost their jobs, their wives, and their children."
No doubt about it. Men, women, teens and even pre-adolescents are negatively affected by porn. The lure of this evil has no class, gender, age or faith barrier. According to one expert, Dr. Mary Anne Layden, a psychotherapist and director of the University of Pennsylvania's Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program, anyone who chooses to cross over to the dark side will not be unscathed. Some type of damage occurs when pornography is seen.
Clay Crosse, Christian Recording Artist, struggled for years with pornography and it almost cost him his marriage. In his book I Surrender All, he confessed: "My life was on a collision course with disaster. It was just a matter of time … My pleasure. My desire. My lusts … Porn entertained me for awhile, but eventually I started to ask myself, "I wonder what it would be like to have two women at the same time?" Set free from the need for porn, Crosse and his wife Renee help other families through their ministry Holy Homes.
Porn is a trap that snares even the most cautious, but there are safeguards. Website blockers like Wisechoice guard against temptation. CleanHotels.com assures a hotel stay that is porn-free. Parents can keep watch over children, and couples can create accountability measures. Ministries through local churches, like Discovery Church and First Baptist Church in Orlando, have counseling.
Fighting on the legal front are groups like "The Coalition for the War on Illegal Pornography," who are working with Congress for better laws. Recently this group held a briefing titled "Pornography Harms: What Congress can do to Enforce Existing Laws." Concerned Women for America (CWA) helped sponsor the event. Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Senior Fellow at CWA's Beverly LaHaye Institute, said, "This briefing focuses on the harms of pornography … The data shows that porn has taken over much of the nation's entertainment; it is addictive, it's pervasive, and it's harmful."
In an industry that knows no bounds, child pornography is ever increasing. A federal task force found the area between Jacksonville and Orlando, Florida to be the country’s worst offender. A Jacksonville.com report noted that "research has consistently shown a strong connection between viewing child porn and sexually abusing children."
On the flip side of the issue are those who thought it would be glamorous to be a porn star, but found instead a lifestyle that brought degradation and disease. Just ask Shelly Lubben, former porn star and prostitute, about the ravages of a life looking for love in all the wrong places.
Quite the story to tell, Lubben explains in candid detail how a lonely young girl can get caught up into the business of sex. In her case, drug and alcohol addiction were all wrapped up into a life she no longer wanted. Suicide was something she tried more than once. "Drug overdoses, Herpes, suicide attempts and abuse on the porn set. I nearly died but by the grace of God I survived," she stated on her Web site. She surrendered to the love of Jesus and was restored to be the way God meant her to be; a loving wife and mother. It was an eight year process, but now she reaches out to help others find the Way.
"It's not harmless adult entertainment, as some would like us to believe, but a real, measurable and undeniable threat to individuals, families and society. The crucial question before us is not whether or not the state has a compelling interest in protecting society from the harm of pornography, but rather, given the overwhelming evidence of harm, why it chooses to do so little?"