STRIP CLUB OUTREACH TRAINING: Fort Myers, FL, Saturday, June 12th BFA will be hosting a training using our national curriculum. For more information on our trainings: CLICK HERE
STRIP CLUB OUTREACH: Fort Myers, Saturday June 12th BFA will be delivering food to the employees of our locally adopted strip club from 7pm - 10pm. This outreach will also be the first for three women, two of which are from the Miami area that we were able to connect with through doing last month's porn show outreach.
MIAMI STRIP CLUB MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT: The Miami area has 47 strip clubs and to our knowledge there has not been a single ministry reaching out to the employees in these clubs. We are pleased to announced that we are working with individuals from various churches and the local task forces to change that! We are really excited that so many people are rising up to reach these sex workers. If you're from the Miami area and interested in getting involved in this newly developing ministry, contact us.
ST PETERSBURG GAY PRIDE PARADE OUTREACH: Saturday, June 26th. This is Florida's largest homosexual event and we are partnering up with Real Orange to reach the lost and to be an eye for local law enforcement for victims of human trafficking. If you're interested in being part of this street outreach, contact Annie Peterson, 239.849.2089 or annelizabethpeterson@realorange.org
BFA FEATURED IN FGCU PINNACLE MAGAZINE: The Spring issue of the Florida Gulf Coast University's magazine, Pinnacle, had an 8 page article on human trafficking and local efforts to combat this injustice. They featured a page highlighting BFA and a letter from a former client of ours. Once it's available online, we'll post it for you to read.
BFA CURRENT NEEDS: Bibles, care package sponsors, office space and social media volunteers. For more information: CLICK HERE
PLEASE PRAY WITH BFA: Agree with us that those we have influenced will receive revelation of who God is and who they are in Christ. May they have a desire to read His Word, turn their hearts away from the things of the world and the courage to pursue the journey of inner healing.
PRAYER REQUESTS: We care for you and have a team that prays over your every need. Please send them to prayer@beautyfromashes.org
DONATIONS: We need your help to continue providing awareness, advocacy and reach, rescue and restoration services to victims of commercialized sexual exploitation (CSE). All giving is tax deductible. Please consider becoming a monthly partner or giving a one time gift to partner with us. For secure online donations, CLICK HERE or mail your check, cash or money order to Beauty From Ashes, 5100 S. Cleveland Ave., Ste, 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
I want to especially thank everyone that responded to last weeks email blast by encouraging me on my pursuing a Master's in Mental Health Counseling. Your words of encouragement truly touched me and served to confirm that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing in order to better equip BFA to provide comprehensive restoration services to victims of CSE and sex trafficking.
Thank you for your support. Together we are making a difference.
In His love & service,
Julie Shematz & the BFA FREEdom™ Team