When Jesus came to earth, there was no room at the inn to receive Him. It reminds me of an episode of ‘Friends’ where Ross was dating this beautiful blonde, but when he saw her apartment, it was filthy and covered in garbage. Her response to his obvious disgust was to simply say ‘Come on in, just push that stuff over.’ Are we like that with God? We want Him, but we also have a lot of junk lying around. The world has marked us, our bad choices have scarred us and the attacks of the enemy have left us battered and bruised. Our ‘houses’ are pretty crowded indeed.
So, what was Jesus’ reply to the earlier question? After the young man affirms to Him that he has kept every commandment since he was young (which, of course, is impossible), He tells him that he only lacks one thing. Our Lord really is a master of understatement. The ‘one thing’ was to sell all of his possessions and give to the poor. Jesus knew that this man's great wealth was gripping his heart. If he couldn’t give up the riches of this world, he’d never be able to receive the riches of Christ. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. And He doesn’t just want the good things; He wants it all. He said ‘Come to me all you who are weary’ (Matt 11:28) He wants our burdens. We are to cast all our cares upon Him. (1 Peter 5:7) He wants our worries. He became sin for us so we might become His righteousness. (2Cor 5:21) He even wants our failures.
What are you hanging onto? What is hanging on to you? The young man in the story above ‘went away sad for he had great wealth.’ Do you own your possessions, or do they own you? Are you like the rich young ruler, or like Jesus, who willingly gave up all the glory of being God to become one of us? Give it all to God; it all belongs to Him anyway.
Noah gave up his reputation, Abram gave up his home, Abraham gave up his son, Moses gave up riches, David gave up his kingdom, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
So, what was Jesus’ reply to the earlier question? After the young man affirms to Him that he has kept every commandment since he was young (which, of course, is impossible), He tells him that he only lacks one thing. Our Lord really is a master of understatement. The ‘one thing’ was to sell all of his possessions and give to the poor. Jesus knew that this man's great wealth was gripping his heart. If he couldn’t give up the riches of this world, he’d never be able to receive the riches of Christ. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. And He doesn’t just want the good things; He wants it all. He said ‘Come to me all you who are weary’ (Matt 11:28) He wants our burdens. We are to cast all our cares upon Him. (1 Peter 5:7) He wants our worries. He became sin for us so we might become His righteousness. (2Cor 5:21) He even wants our failures.
What are you hanging onto? What is hanging on to you? The young man in the story above ‘went away sad for he had great wealth.’ Do you own your possessions, or do they own you? Are you like the rich young ruler, or like Jesus, who willingly gave up all the glory of being God to become one of us? Give it all to God; it all belongs to Him anyway.
Noah gave up his reputation, Abram gave up his home, Abraham gave up his son, Moses gave up riches, David gave up his kingdom, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
What is God asking you to give up for Him? Freedom is calling you.
Steve Shematz
President, Beauty From Ashes Ministries
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