NATIONAL STRIP CLUB OUTREACH TRAINING: Since 2004, Beauty From Ashes (BFA) Ministries has been providing conferences and hands on training for strip club outREACHes and back by popular demand, we're doing it again in 2012! We have two dates for you to choose from: January 11-14 and July 26-28. Find out how human trafficking is connected to the sex industry, learn unique outREACH strategies and how to implement them, how to best serve clients, mental health challenges you'll face, the ABC's to building and training your team, how to care for your aftercare workers, community engagement, and MORE! For more information and to register, CLICK HERE
STRIP CLUB OUTREACH: Our next strip club outREACH is Saturday, September 17th. We'll be serving a home cooked meal and distributing gifts that include human trafficking awareness information inside the locker room of our "adopted" strip club here in Fort Myers, FL.
BFA SEPTEMBER PRAYER ALERT: Prayer is the foundation of this ministry and we covet yours! Here's how to pray in detail for BFA for the month of September, CLICK HERE.
FRIDAY PRAYER: Join BFA each week, locally and globally, for prayer to abolish slavery and for the organizations reaching, rescuing, restoring and advocating for the victims. Fridays 8-9am EST. Locally, we meet at Barry University,