Beauty From Ashes is a not for profit, public charity founded by an over-comer of human trafficking, Julie Shematz. BFA is dedicated to reaching & assisting women and children involved and/or associated with the sex industry: commercialized sexual exploitation, trafficking and adult entertainment. www.BeautyFromAshes.org
Real Orange is a website created by evangelist, Annie Peterson. It is full of information for a person to learn of their temporary state of existence on earth and the factual departure of their being from the planet in the future. The purpose is to direct people to the Lord, His Word and heaven, avoiding hell at all cost. www.RealOrange.org
Annie Peterson & Julie Shematz are both originally from Indiana and relocated to Fort Myers, FL. Annie came along side Julie as a supportive friend shortly after Julie left the sex industry and arrived in Fort Myers in 2002. Together, they began doing outreaches into strip clubs across the state of Florida delivering gift bags & the message of love, hope & truth in 2003. Annie’s faithfulness to Julie has been unequaled except by Julie’s husband, Steve, President of the Beauty From Ashes. Julie is the CEO of Beauty From Ashes and Annie is the event coordinator and a board member. Julie and Annie are best of friends on a mission to reach the lost with the life saving truth of the Gospel and to tangibly offer people the help they need to transform their lives.
Porn OutREACH FREEdom™ Team:
Julie Shematz*, Fort Myers, FL
Annie Peterson, Fort Myers, FL
Vicky Whitington*, Hurst, TX
Carrie Schmidt*, Ontario, Canada
Damaris Liboy, Fort Myers, FL
Crystal Vera*, Fort Myers, FL
*Sex Industry Over-Comer
Local Partnerships:
Broward County Human Trafficking Coalition
Miami CSEC (Commercialized Sexual Exploitation Children) Working Group
Kristi House
Christ Fellowship, Miami, FL
Calvary Chapel of Fort Lauderdale
1. PRAY: We are again organizing, theCALL2XXX, 24 hour prayer in 15 minute increments for all 3 days of the expo. Print Prayer Guide: CLICK HERE
a. Please sign up for a block of time (we recommend you choose the same time each day of the event). For sign up sheet in pdf, CLICK HERE & for Excel CLICK HERE
b. Recruit others to sign up for prayer at your church, small group, business and/or organization.
c. Send your times/time sheets to: prayer@beautyfromashes.org
2. PORN SHOW PREP (PSP): We need assistance with labeling and packaging hundreds of more give aways in Miami. This is great way for your church, small group and/or bible study to join with us and become a slavery abolitionist! We will have gift assembly on the following dates:
Thursday, May 13 12-5pm Homewood Suites/Miami Airport
Friday, May 14 11am-2pm Homewood Suites/Miami Airport
Saturday, May 15 11am-? Homewood Suites/Miami Airport
Call Julie at 239.218.0920 if you can help.
3. PROVIDE FUNDING: The cost for doing this outREACH is approximately $5000, to cover booth fee, DVD's (Ian McCormick's Testimony & Magdalena by the Jesus Project) and other give away items, transportation of team, hotel and meals. If you would like to help us with the expenses, any amount will be appreciated. You can give securely online, click here or mail your check, cash or money order to Beauty From Ashes at 5100 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907. Please note in memo: Porn Show OutREACH
PRAYER REQUESTS: We care about you & want to pray for you. Send your requests to prayer@beautyfromashes.org
A HUGE thank you to everyone that teamed together with us to enable us to expand our territory into the east coast's largest porn convention. We'll be giving away 5100 DVD's, BFA Child of God CD's, Bibles, beauty supplies and specially packaged gift bags for porn actresses. Our objective is to advance the Kingdom of God, offer tangible help to those that desire a transformed life, and keep an eye out for sex trafficking with children and women. Your prayers are priceless to this mission! Please keep the team, their families and all we will have the opportunity to influence in your prayers.
In His passion to see victims become over-comers,
Julie Shematz & the FREEdom™ Team
Founder & CEO
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries
Where Victims Become Over-Comers
877.4BFA SOS (423.2767) Toll Free Help Line
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