It's hard to believe we are already in May. Time is flying by and we are grateful to the many doors that God keeps opening for us. 2010 has definitely proven itself to be an eventful year, and April was no different. We're excited as our territory is expanding into areas of the state where we have not previously had a presence and we have great expectations as to what He does next!
AWARDED GRANT: We applied for our first grant & got it! BFA is one of 20 partners selected for the SENergy Project, a program of SENetwork of Youth and Family Services. The project is funded through a grant from the federal office of community services, Compassion Capital Fund. As a recipient of the SENergy Project resources, we will receive training, capacity building technical assistance, and a sub-award in the areas of Leadership Development, Organizational Development, Program Development and/or Community Outreach.
FLORIDA STATE HUMAN TRAFFICKING TASK FORCE MEETING: Thursday, May 6th 9:30am - 5pm, St. Petersburg, FL During this legislative session, a Safe Harbor bill was proposed to provide services and short and long-term placement for domestic minor sex trafficking victims. While the bill did not pass, there was agreement among state agency representatives and advocates that a system of services needs to be developed for these victims. Trudi Novicki, Director of Kristi House in Miami and the main impetus behind the Safe Harbor legislation, will be at the meeting to present what she sees as the needs of victims and the intent behind the bill proposed this session. Ms. Novicki will speak during the Legislative update section on the agenda.
Based on a discussion with advocates and others, DCF is proposing to the Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force that they create an ad hoc committee to examine safe harbor issues and develop recommendations for consideration by the Task Force. The ad hoc committee would be chaired by a member of the Task Force and would includes representatives from child advocacy groups, social services, and law enforcement.
Julie Shematz, BFA founder & human trafficking over-comer, will be attending after being encouraged by Trudi Novicki to be a voice to this state task force.
HEAL ME CRUSADE: May 6-8, 7-10pm, Plant City, FL Beginning on the National Day of Prayer, our event coordinator, evangelist and author of the soon to be released, 'The Funeral Scam', Annie Peterson & Julie Shematz will be premiering the Real Orange booth at this healing crusade featuring Pastor Tony Stewart of CityLife Church, T.L. Lowrey, Bishop Thomas Propes, Apostle J.L. Cash & Praise with musical artists Kaci Stewart & Rita Springer. Help is needed to assist with the booth and the event. Contact Annie at 239.849.2089 for more information.
STRIP CLUB OUTREACH: Saturday, May 8th, the BFA OutREACH team will be delivering another home cooked, 'comfort' meal, into our local adopted strip club and delivering Mother's Day gifts to the women working there.
MIAMI PORN SHOW OUTREACH: May 14-16 The BFA FREEdom™ Team will be debuting our first booth, Real Orange, at a porn expo after faithfully serving other ministries through prayer, promotion & service for four years. We'll be distributing 5100 evangelistic/educational DVD's, Bibles and thousands of beauty supply items to the actresses and consumers of the East Coast's largest pornography convention. BFA will also be networking with local law enforcement and anti-slavery organizations. You too can be part of this enormous outREACH:
1. PRAY: We are again organizing, theCALL2XXX, 24 hour prayer in 15 minute increments for all 3 days of the expo.
a. Please sign up for a block of time (we recommend you choose the same time each day of the event). For sign up sheet in pdf, CLICK HERE & for Excel CLICK HERE
b. Recruit others to sign up for prayer at your church, small group, business and/or organization.
c. Send your times/time sheets to: prayer@beautyfromashes.org
2. PORN SHOW PREP (PSP): We need assistance with labeling and packaging the thousands of give aways. This is great way for your church, small group and/or bible study to join with us and become a slavery abolitionist!
Monday, May 3 3-9pm, Fort Myers, FL
Saturday, May 8 9am-3pm, Fort Myers, FL
Monday, May 10 3-9pm, Fort Myers, FL
Wednesday, May 13 3-7pm, Miami, FL
Thursday, May 14 9am-3pm, Miami, FL
Friday, May 15 ??, Miami, FL
Saturday, May 16 ??, Miami, FL
To confirm call 239.849.2089. Location will provided.
We can arrange for items to delivered & picked up for you to take to your church, small group to assemble. Call 239.939.9218 to schedule.
3. PROVIDE FUNDING: The cost for doing this outREACH is approximately $5000, to cover booth fee, DVD's (Ian McCormick's Testimony & Magdalena by the Jesus Project) and other give away items, transportation of team, hotel and meals. If you would like to help us with the expenses, any amount will be appreciated. You can give securely online, click here or mail your check, cash or money order to Beauty From Ashes at 5100 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907. Please note in memo: Porn OutREACH
CURRENT NEEDS: BFA needs Bibles (new & gently used) to distribute to victims of commercialized sexual exploitation, Care Package Sponsors, etc. For a complete list, CLICK HERE
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We have many areas where you too can be a slavery abolitionist! For more info, CLICK HERE
PRAYER REQUESTS: We care about you & want to pray for you. Send your requests to prayer@beautyfromashes.org
Thank you for your continued support of BFA. Together we are better and are making a difference!
In His passionate love & consuming fire,
Steve & Julie Shematz & the FREEdom™ Team
President & Founder
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries
Where Victims Become Over-Comers
877.4BFA SOS (423.2767) International Toll Free Help Line
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