We at Beauty From Ashes are sex slavery abolitionists. Human trafficking is human slavery. At the peak of the slavery trade, 80,000 people a year were being transported. In 2009, an estimated 800,000 a year are being considered slaves. 80% of that human trafficking is sex trafficking.
In an effort to restore these victims, we have placed them and have been providing basic care items to women & a pregnant teen in the New Life Dream Center, a safe/recovery home here in Fort Myers, FL. Currently, none of these residents we placed are able to provide the monthly cost of $760 for their care & there are approximately 40+ women & teens living there, not to mention around 80 men in a separate facility. Overall, less than 10% have financial support to pay for their living expenses, however, no one is ever turned away due to an inability to pay.
We established the Rahab's Hope Fund to provide financial assistance to qualified applicants & all recipients have been sex trafficking or commercialized sexual exploitation victims. Below is a list of items we have provided to New Life Dream Center residents in the past month and/or need to provide in the near future:
Toiletries: soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, lotion, deodorant, razors, etc.
Hair products; shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, styling products, etc.
Mini pads
Make up
Topical ointments
Over the counter STD treatments
Underwear (no thongs; sizes 7 - 14)
Maternity: Size 14 pants, 42D bra
House slippers
Shoes: Sizes 7.5 - 10
Pencils, markers & pens
Pencil sharpener
Text books ($10 - $18)
Work books ($10 - $23)
Sketch pads
Play Money Kit ($18)
Adolescent Bible ($30)
Life Application NLT Study Bibles ($40 a piece)
PACE Curriculum Grades 1-4 ($100)
ABEKA Home School Curriculum ($1045 a grade level)
Calling Cards
Walmart Gift Cards
Twin Bed Sheets
Drinking Glasses
We do this in addition to facilitating doctor appointments, working with probation, immigration, law enforcement, the county school system, judges, home schooling, coordinating with attorneys and other non governmental agencies in order to provide recovery assistance to these victims. We also provide support to family members of victims and by means of our website & social networking reach thousands daily. We also do weekly & monthly outreaches on the streets & in strip clubs of Fort Myers, which also costs money. We distribute gift bags that include the Word of God either written, spoken or in video & contact information, in addition to beauty supplies, gift items, etc. Monthly, we deliver & serve meals to the employees of our local adopted club, which typically costs around $100 an outreach.
In the past week, between the street & club outreaches, 34 people received Christ as their Lord & Savior and many other were prayed for in the following areas; finances, deliverance, healing, restoration, strength, courage, faith, etc.
Beauty From Ashes is also presenting the Hands that Heal Anti-trafficking & Caregivers Training November 14, 21 & 28th from 9am - 3pm at Word of Life Church, on the campus of the New Life Dream Center. Registration & cost of materials required. For more information: CLICK HERE
We need your help financially to replenish the funds used in order for us to continue to reach, rescue, restore, advocate, raise awareness & educate on commercialized sexual exploitation & trafficking. Will you please consider giving what you can today & help make the difference in a precious child's or woman's life?
We can all talk, read books, tweet, attend seminars, workshops & conferences on human trafficking until we are blue in the face, but until we are willing to take action, nothing is getting done. Fact is, most action takes money & restoration costs a lot of money! Beauty From Ashes has been working to reach, rescue & restore these victims for over 5 years & the New Life Dream Center been providing restoration services for over 26. Please consider becoming a slavery abolitionist (doesn't that sound cool?!) by giving a tax deductible donation today and/or become a Purpose Partner by committing to Beauty From Ashes by giving monthly. For every dollar you give, we'll give 10% to the New Life Dream Center directly, in addition to the items/services we provide for the victims recovering there!
To give securely online, CLICK HERE or send check, money order or cash to 5100 S. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907. For gift-in-kind donations, please contact me. Thank you for your generous giving! We can abolish slavery & restore lives one at a time.
Together we are better & are slavery abolitionists!
In His love & passion to see victims become over-comers,
Julie Shematz & the FREEdom™ Team
Co-Founder & CEO
Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries
Where Victims Become Over-Comers
877.4BFA SOS (423.2767) International Toll Free Help Line
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