The truth is that Natanee did change, contrary to the repeated airings of the episode since March of this year. She courageously turned down Tyra's offer of a secular 1 month program to go instead into a faith based, 18 month residential program, the New Life Dream Center here in Fort Myers, FL.
Thanks to Harmony Dust of Treasures, also a guest on the program, who through nothing less than a divine appointment, met Natanee in the lobby the night before the show, Natanee found out about Beauty From Ashes (BFA) and the New Life Dream Center. Natanee shared with Harmony her desperation to get out of commercialized sexual exploitation, a destructive lifestyle she had been forced into as a teenager. Harmony called Pastor Julie Shematz immediately to inquire if we could guarantee her acceptance into the New Life Dream Center. Pastor Gaspar Anastasi, founder of the New Life Dream Center & Julie's senior pastor, approved the unique situation and within minutes after the show finished filming, Harmony received the phone call from Natanee telling her she wanted to go into the 18 month 'God' program not another secular one which Tyra had offered her.
We quickly assessed the situation & Natanee was able to change her return flight from NYC to Fort Myers, FL instead of CA & against all odds & numerous potential set backs, she arrived two days later and met Pastor Julie for the first time at the gate of the airport. Julie then took Natanee to enter the program & has maintained a close relationship with her ever since. Tyra's producers were aware of the change of plans from the day Natanee made the decision, yet have refused to tell the viewers the TRUTH about Natanee's courageous steps to commit to long term change.
Multiple phone calls and emails have been made by family & loved ones to advise the show of Natanee's situation. Repeated attempts have been made to leave comments on the Tyra Bank's Show blog after they re-run the program. Sadly, the website moderators have refused to accept the majority of the 'Good News' comments with Natanee's progress and the producers have reportedly said that there is nothing they can do about updating the information. For nearly 6 months, Tyra's bloggers have ripped Natanee apart with their heartless comments about her not wanting to change.
Like the Word of God says, every story sounds good until you hear the other side & finally Natanee's TRUE STORY is revealed! She did want to change and she is more than an over-comer! She not only has changed, she is also now reconciled with her children & family. Natanee is no longer troubled, she has a sound mind and is a godly woman of virtue & dignity. She has embraced her destiny & purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He reached, rescued, restored & is healing her. We simply have been honored to be His hands & feet in the process. It has truly been a team effort and we want to thank every person & organization that has been a part of this beauty from ashes story. Together we are better & are making a difference!
You will be able to listen to Natanee tell what has happened since the Tyra Banks show in her own words on Monday, September 14th @ 6:15pm EST on the God Has the Answer Today Show with Gaspar Anastasi: 91.5 FM Florida.
The program was also recorded & we will have the video available online SOON!
Watch the New Life Women's Dream Center Video by the Fort Myers News Press: CLICK HERE
To help support Natanee, it costs $760 @ month per resident in the New Life Dream Center, and she has 12 months left. Currently the program has 113 residents, including pregnant women & children. The success rate is over 90% for those that complete & Natanee is determined to finish what she has begun. Please make checks out to the New Life Dream Center, notate c/o Natanee & mail to our address: 5100 S. Cleveland Ave., Ste. 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907. Notes of encouragement & gift cards are welcomed as well.
Pastor Julie, an over-comer of commercialized sexual exploitation and trafficking, will be speaking at the Lee County Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting Thursday, Sept 10 10am at Summit Church in Estero, FL. Please keep the meeting covered in prayer as doors continue to open for community awareness & partnerships.
Remember to join us for global prayer (theCALL2XXX) for victims of commercialized sexual exploitation, trafficking & the ministries reaching, rescuing & restoring them every Friday morning 8-9am EST & 8-9am PST. Prayer Guide: CLICK HERE
Beauty From Ashes will be doing a Strip Club Outreach & XXX Ministry; Reach, Rescue & Restore Victims of Commercialized Sexual Exploitation Training Sept 18 & 19th in Bradenton, FL. For more information, contact us. Limited seating & $25 manual fee.
In October, Beauty From Ashes will be presenting the Hands that Heal International Curriculum to Train Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors. It is a three day training developed by Faith Alliance Against Slavery & Trafficking (FAAST). This training is required for all future caregivers and/or mentors of commercialized sexual exploitation victims; minors & adults. If you are interested, please contact us. More information coming soon.
Please continue to agree with us for the victims of sexual exploitation to receive a revelation of who God is & who they are in Christ, resulting in an undivided devotion to God & His Word. May those in whose lives we have influence become all that God purposed and destined them to become: more than over-comers! Pray they develop a great hunger for His Word, revelation, faith, strength & that they properly align themselves in God's army for the advancement of His kingdom here on earth.
Remember to join us for global prayer (theCALL2XXX) for victims of commercialized sexual exploitation, trafficking & the ministries reaching, rescuing & restoring them every Friday morning 8-9am EST & 8-9am PST. Prayer Guide: CLICK HERE
Beauty From Ashes will be doing a Strip Club Outreach & XXX Ministry; Reach, Rescue & Restore Victims of Commercialized Sexual Exploitation Training Sept 18 & 19th in Bradenton, FL. For more information, contact us. Limited seating & $25 manual fee.
In October, Beauty From Ashes will be presenting the Hands that Heal International Curriculum to Train Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors. It is a three day training developed by Faith Alliance Against Slavery & Trafficking (FAAST). This training is required for all future caregivers and/or mentors of commercialized sexual exploitation victims; minors & adults. If you are interested, please contact us. More information coming soon.
Please continue to agree with us for the victims of sexual exploitation to receive a revelation of who God is & who they are in Christ, resulting in an undivided devotion to God & His Word. May those in whose lives we have influence become all that God purposed and destined them to become: more than over-comers! Pray they develop a great hunger for His Word, revelation, faith, strength & that they properly align themselves in God's army for the advancement of His kingdom here on earth.
Prayer Requests: CLICK HERE
Read the Fort Myers News Press Front Page Story on Beauty From Ashes: CLICK HERE
Read the Fort Myers News Press Editorial on Beauty From Ashes: CLICK HERE
Watch FREEdom™ Children's Homes 4 America's Prostituted Youth Video by Beauty From Ashes: CLICK HERE
To arrange for BFA to come to your church or organization to discuss commercialized sexual exploitation, trafficking and what you can do to make a difference: CLICK HERE
We need your financial support. It enables us to educate the community, advocate for the victims, implement reach, rescue & restore programs and provide safe homes. To make secure online tax deductible donations: CLICK HERE. Mail cash, money orders or checks made out to Beauty From Ashes Ministries to: 5100 S. Cleveland Ave., Ste. 318-148, Fort Myers, FL 33907 & THANK YOU.
The BEST is yet to come!
Steve, Julie & the FREEdom™ Team
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